Papers of the Janney and Related Gilmour and Pollock Families, 1695(1755-1944)1981 (2024)

Papers of the Janney and Related Gilmour and Pollock Families, 1695(1755-1944)1981

Physical Characteristics
This collection consists of ca. 2750 items.

Administrative Information

Access Restrictions

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Preferred Citation

Papers of the Janney and Related Gilmour and Pollock Families, Accession #8409-a,-b,-c , Special Collections Dept., University of Virginia Library, Charlottesville, Va.

Acquisition Information

Accession #8409-a was purchased by the Library on April 23, 1990 from Jerry N. Showalter, Bookseller, of Ivy, Virginia. The collection was previously on deposit in the Southern Historical Collection at the University of North Carolina. Subsequent accessions #8409-b and #8409-c were purchased by the Library on June 24, 1991 and August 3, 1992, from Timothy Bakken, of Halvor Americana, Clarendon Hills, Illinois.

Biographical/Historical Information

John Janney, born November 8, 1798, was the son of Elisha and Mary (Gibson) Janney of Loudoun County. Janney played a large part in the development of Loudoun County, and was one of the leading attorneys in Virginia. He married Alcinda "Alice" S. Marmaduke on January 26, 1826, and became a citizen of Leesburg where he made his home for the remainder of his life. Although he did not take a very active part in politics, he was so well regarded by his fellow Whigs that he was drafted on several important occasions. He was a member of the Virginia Assembly as delegate from Loudoun County, and was a Whig elector in the presidential campaign of 1844. Janney was known for the eloquence with which he expressed the principles of his political party. He was elected a delegate to the Virginia Constitutional Convention of 1850, and, in 1860, a adelegate to the Secession Convention of 1861, then being elected by the Union men as president of the Convention. Janney opposed secession, however he accepted the adoption of the ordinance of secession when it was passed in April 1861. He continued to be an important influence on Virginia politics until his death on January 5, 1872.

Robert Stevenson Janney, born September 22, 1915, was the son of Abram David Pollock and Lucy (Stevenson) Janney. He received his education from Princeton University and was awarded the New York Herald Prize for his thesis on "Foreign Policy of the United States 1930-37." From August 1937 to spring 1938 he took a trip around the world, sailing around Europe, India and Asia. In 1937 he made 2nd lieutenant R. O. T. C. in the United States Field Artillery, and in July 1941 transferred to the Army Air Force and became 1st lieutenant. He trained at bases in Georgia, Louisiana, Alabama and South Carolina. He received his wings at Moody Field, Valdosta, Georgia in July 1942. Following intensive training in Light Bomb Group, he was made Captain, and in January 1943, he flew the South Atlantic and took part in the North Africa Campaign. In Italy he was with the 27th Fighter Bomber Group 12th Army Air Force as Group Operations Officer. During February to July 1943 he flew missions over Casablanca, Oran, Algiers and Tunis; from July until August 1943, he was stationed on Malta and then in Sicily. He was promoted to Major in November 1943. He was killed on a mission over Cecina, Italy on January 16, 1944. He received the Air Medal with three oak clusters and the Purple Heart award.

Scope and Content Information

This collection consists of ca. 2750 items, 1695(1755-1944)1981, pertaining to the Janney and related Gilmour and Pollock families, and includes personal correspondence, political correspondence and papers including broadsides, financial and legal papers, genealogical material, and photographs. Persons represented include John Janney (1798-1872); Robert Stevenson Janney (1915-1944); Abraham David Pollock and Nancy Lee (Janney) Gilmour (1886- ); Charles Phillips Janney (1839-1925); Lilias Janney (1874- ); Thomas Gordon Janney (1870- ); Abram David Pollock and Lucy (Stevenson) Janney; and, various members of the Gilmour, Janney and Pollock families.

Papers of John Janney
The papers of John Janney include biographical material, personal correspondence, political correspondence and papers, and financial and legal papers.

There are Civil War correspondence and papers of John Janney and Alcinda "Alice" S. (Marmaduke) Janney. There is a pass, June 5, 1861, for James C. Janney to go through the lines at Harper's Ferry. On August 22, 1861, John Janney, Leesburg, writes to [Joseph Eggleston] Johnston (1807-1891), Manassas Junction, about the illness of his servant "George" who drove his team to the Junction, offers fifty acres of hay, and requests that his horses with the artillery be returned. There is a list dated August-September 1861 of "Sick Soldiers nursed by Mrs. John P. Smart and Mrs. John Janney." On September 10, 1861, Arthur L. Rogers, Loudoun Artillery, writes concerning the appraisem*nt of Janney's horses and the need for horses in service. On October 25, 1862, wife of William Barksdale (1821-1863), N[arcissa] L. [(Smith)] Barksdale (d. 1875), Oakwood, near Columbus, Mississippi, writes to Alcinda Janney, reminiscing over her visit to Leesburg, and wishing she was able to avenge the wrongdoings done to Mr. Janney. She also describes the trip from Orange Court House to Huntsville, Alabama to Corinth and Columbus, Mississippi, mentioning the starving and sick soldiers encountered; and, mentions that Bayou Lara, Louisiana was burnt, that the sugar crop is large in Louisiana, that there were several marriages and births in camps, and that she has heard little news of her husband. There is a pass, November 1, 1862, Headquarters, Whipple's Division, 12th Army Corps, Hillsborough, Virginia, for James and Robert Janney to Berlin, Maryland, and return with their brother Charles. On August 4, 1865, Joseph [Eggleston] Segar (1804-1880), Washington, requests Janney's views as to the general sentiment in regard to the result of the late civil conflict and mentions President [Andrew] Johnson (1808-1875). In his letter of August 7, 1865 to Segar, Janney comments on the action of the military authority to nullify the election. There is another letter, April 1866, from Mrs. N[arcissa] L. [(Smith)] Barksdale . Columbus, Mississippi, to [Alcinda Janney], wishing to see her friends in Leesburg, mentioning her African-American servants, Matilda and John, hoping that her sons, Ethel[bert] (1859-1892) and Willie [William] (1856-1877), may become such men as their father, and mentioning acquaintances, Lieutenant and Captain Tucker, of the St. George Tucker family. Mrs. Barksdale refers to the death of her husband, William Barksdale, writing "My life has been one long day of sorrow since I left Virginia, and the sun of my life set at Gettysburg" and the problems in bringing his remains home.

There are two Civil War memorandums: "Events of the War," August-September 1862 and "War Memo" June-July 1863, by Alcinda S. (Marmaduke) Janney. "Events of the War" begins with the explanation that Leesburg was first taken possession of by the Federal forces under the command of [John White] Geary on the 8th of March following the evacuation by the Confederate troops under General [Ambrose Powell] Hill, General [Richard] Griffith, Colonel [Winfield Scott] Featherston, and Colonel [William] Barksdale. In August, several Leesburg residents were arrested, including John Janney, N. Braden, Rev. Nourse, and Armistead Vandeventer. Mrs. Janney mentions Yankee soldiers entering the drugstore and peoples' homes looking for food and Colonel Geary requesting a room. She writes that the main body of troops occupied the town and a portion encamped on the "Morven" estate. Referring to March again, she writes that upon evacuation, General Hill gave orders to burn wheat stacks along Point of Rocks, Maryland, the finest mill on the Potomac, and a fine depot in the suburbs. In August, Leesburg and the surrounding area is left under Federal rule but the blockade was raised. The formation of a "Home Guard" disturbed the relative quiet, when they began to confiscate goods and arms from stores and raiding the houses of secessionists. She relates that a company of Southern cavalry arrived for the first time since March and were involved in some skirmishes with the enemy, that they met with General [William] Barksdale and Captain Doherty, and that the Southern troop left for Maryland. The "War Memo" relates the outrages committed by the Yankee troops and the conflicting news and rumors heard by civilians concerning the progress of the war. The June 28th entry finds Confederate troops on their farm procuring two old carriage horses and other necessities, causing an estimated loss of $2000 to $2500, according to [servant] "George"; the two old carriage horses were apparently returned at the insistence of "an old colored free woman." The June 29th entry mentions the Eleventh Corps under General [Oliver Otis] Howard being encamped on the portion of the Janney farm taken care of by [Thomas] Havener and committing outrages and that "they spoke of their deeds being justifiable because Mr. J was the President of the Va. Convention..." She writes of stories heard about various officers and their activities, including [Alexander Peter ] Stewart, [Richard Stoddert] Ewell, [James] Longstreet, A[mbrose] P[owell] Hill, and Robert E. Lee. She also mentions various places where fighting supposedly is taking place, including Point of Rocks, Maryland, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, Vicksburg, Mississippi, and Charleston, South Carolina. The July 25th - 29th entries relate to civilian activity; mentioned are that persons are being allowed to travel safely to Washington and Baltimore without papers and the "murder" of a civilian named Mathews on the river near Whitesford.

The financial and legal papers of John Janney consist of correspondence, memorandums of agreement and other legal documents, and accounts and bills of sale pertaining to Janney's legal practice and his farm operation. Among the papers, 1832-1839, are: license to practice law in Virginia (December 24, 1829); correspondence about claims against the deceased Solomon Parsons (January 24, 1832 and September 10, 1834); opinion on the wills of John and Mary Hawling, with copies of the wills (1832); papers on Brown vs. Taylor (ca. 1832-1847); and, letter from John Sinclair, Mountsville, relating the courses and lengths of the lines and descriptions of the corners in dispute between Charles Fenton Mercer and the Skinners (January 20, 1837). Among the papers, 1841-1848, are: an account of Amos Janney and Edmund Jennings (June 8, 1841); memorandum of agreement between Alexander Kilgam and Aquila Janney re a tract of land in Loudoun County (December 20, 1844); and, a circular letter announcing the establishment of the firm N. E. Janney and Company in the china, glass, and earthenware business (April 1, 1848). There is also correspondence from the period of 1841-1848. On October 10, 1841, Barrow [Frere ?], Cottage Farm, Aldie, Loudoun County, writes concerning financial obligations with a postscript on "an improved implement for cleaning the roads." There are letters, July 20 & 22, 1846, from Benjamin B. Davis, Salem, Ohio, to Samuel M. Janney, Springdale, Loudoun County, with copies of documents, concerning the legacy of Rebecca (McArtor) Murphy from Mahlon McArtor. On May 24, 1847, Abbott Lawrence (1792-1855), Boston, writes to John [Strother] Pendleton (1802-1868), Culpeper, that the machine shop at Lowell is full, with 600 persons at work, and that a new machine shop will be opening in the new town of Lawrence, and praises the young men from Virginia working in the machine shop. On October 23, 1847, Benjamin Hawley, Salem, Ohio, writes to Samuel M. Janney, Springdale, Loudoun County, on behalf of Rebecca (McArtor) Murphy. There is a letter, October 11, 1847, from John Sinclair concerning a land dispute between Edward P. Upton and Jonathan Beard. Among the papers, 1850-1859, are: bill of sale for a "negro woman H[arriett ?] Jackson" and "to warrant her to be a slave for life" from William H. Gallagher, Morrow, Ohio, to John Janney; answer of Common Council in Council of Alexandria vs. William Wheeler (August 13, 1850); and, Abraham heirs certificates (January 1853). There is an agreement, September 30, 1850, between John Janney and Thomas Havener to hire the latter as a farmer on land owned by Janney in Loudoun County, describing the conditions. There are also a memorandum of agreement and accompanying papers, 1851-1862, between Robert Beverley and Charles C. Turner. There are documents, November - December 1859, giving power of attorney to John Morgan from Jane Morgan and others in the suit relating to the Hutchison estate. Among the papers, 1860-1870, are: papers re the Hutchison estate (April - August 1860); notes re Confederate States of America vs. Joshua Pancoast estate (July 1861); bond to John Janney from Hogan estate (December 30, 1861); and, receipts to Charles Phillips Janney from John Janney on account for the purchase of his law library (January 13 and December 18, 1869). Other items include United States Internal Revenue Service Licenses granted to John Janney of Leesburg, Loudoun County to carry on the business or occupation of lawyer (December 19, 1864 and July 10, 1866). There is also a letter, June 1, 1866, from John R. Watkins, Baltimore, concerning a suit against Matilda W. Fitzhugh of Loudoun County, in which he claims that he left $1600 in Federal money upon his capture by the Federal Army, which was spent by the Fitzhugh family.

There are financial and legal papers, 1853-1869, relating to the Alexandria, Loudoun and Hampshire Railroad Company. On January 19, 1853, John Janney , Leesburg, writes to Charles B. Ball, discussing his week's service on horseback with Captain George L. Green, engineer, making a general examination of the country from Alexandria to Harpers-Ferry, mentioning various places visited in determining the route to be established. On June 27th, Lewis McHenry, Office Alexandria, Loudoun and Hampshire Rail Road Company, writes re securing subscriptions to finance the construction of the road to Washington. There is a proposal, March 25, 1854, from Miller & Schuyler to build and equip the Railroad Company's road, exclusive of the cost of engineering and right of way, from Alexandria to its western terminus at Westernport or Piedmont. On December 22, 1854, Lewis McHenry of the Railroad Company, writes enclosing comparisons of cost to company as estimates by contractors' bids. There are numerous stock receipts, 1855-1860. On February 27, 1857, Sidney G. Miller, Alexandria, writes detailing his proposal for the entire construction and equipment of the Railroad Company's road from the depot at Alexandria to the depot at Wineberten. There are documents establishing the appointment of John Janney as director on behalf of the Board of Public Works in the Alexandria, Loudoun and Hampshire Railroad Company (December 20, 1860 and January 3, 1867). There is also a proposition, March 9, 1869, with a view to the further extension of the Railroad Company's road.

There are financial and legal papers, 1796-1842, dealing with the business of the Mutual Assurance Society. There are Declarations for Assurance for dwelling houses and other buildings in Leesburg, Loudoun County for Samuel Hough (June 1796), Lee Durham (November 1803), John Drish (January 1804), and Joseph Smith (May 1805). There is a Revaluation of Buildings declared for Assurance by Joseph Smith, signed by James Rawlings (September 26, 1816). Dated October 21, 1825 is a list of debts due to the Mutual Assurance Society "against fire on buildings of the State of Virginia for ensurance of buildings...," signed by James Rawlings. Papers of 1825 relate to a claim against John and Elizabeth Potter. There is a Revaluation of Building formerly declared for Assurance by Samuel Murray, signed by John Rutherford (October 18, 1827).

The personal correspondence of John Janney and Alcinda "Alice" S. (Marmaduke) Janney refer chiefly to family news but does contain some political references. On December 5, 1831, Alice Janney, Hillsborough, expresses her feelings on the death of her twenty-three year old daughter, Cornelia, and includes a poem dedicated to her daughter. There are two letters, April 23 and May 11, 1841, from S. H. Williams, Cumberland, Maryland, concerning family news, including the last days and death of their child Alice. Letters from John Janney and Alice Janney dated September 19, October 1 and November 3, 1848 refer to the illness of Nathaniel Ellicott Janney and the family's efforts to take him home before his death. They describe the family's journey on the steamer "Alice" on the Ohio River, the last days and subsequent death of Nathaniel Janney with his wife, Sarah [Ann Irwin] Janney, and other family by his side; and, mention the arrival of Robert H. Miller, husband of Anna [Janney Miller]. On April 24, 1851, John Janney, Richmond, writes to Alice Janney referring to mixed basis representation and the numerous politicians speaking their opinions on the subject. An April 25, 1854 letter from George Adre, Greenwood, discusses the fire that destroyed his house. On April 23, 1861, John Janney, Richmond, writes Alice Janney that there may be trouble in Washington, Richmond is full of troops, and that General Robert E. Lee was introduced in the House. There is a letter, [April 1861], from John Janney, Alexandria, to Alice Janney, with the news that Tennessee has been electing members of convention and that he is to be president of the Convention in Richmond. He also mentions the books, The Children of the Abbey and Evelina [or, The History of a Young Lady's Entrance into the World]. There is a letter, August 16, 1871, from J[ohn] W[illiam] M[allet] (1832-1912), The Rawley Springs, Rockingham County, Virginia, to John Janney, discussing the springs with "An Analysis of The Rawley Springs in Rockingham County, Va..." printed on the verso. There are two letters, September 30 and October 10, 1880, from Thamsin Janney, Lincoln, Virginia, to Alice Janney, sending medication and giving directions for their use.

The political papers of John Janney are rich in discussions of the principles and activities of the Whig party, presidential elections, prominent politicians, and other aspects of Virginia and national politics from the 1830's until the 1860's.

There are certifications, November 1836, that a presidential and vice-presidential election was held in the counties of Loudoun, Fairfax and Fauquier. In a letter of March 26, 1838, Henry Clay (1777-1852) writes to Janney concerning the speech of John C[aldwell] Calhoun (1782-1850) which was brought to the attention of the Senate by Daniel Webster (1782-1852), Calhoun voting against the engrossment of the Sub-Treasury Bill, and hopes that the measure will be defeated in the House. Letters and documents of April 9 & 21 and May 1, 1838, concern Janney's appointment to represent the state of Virginia at all meetings of the stockholders of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company in the absence of Charles J[ames] Faulkner.

During 1840 there are numerous invitations to Janney to either attend or speak at meetings, conventions and festivals in support of William Henry Harrison and John Tyler and the Whig party. A circular letter of May 30, 1840 from Clarksburg, invites the recipient to attend a convention of delegates "to aid the great cause of Reform in promoting the Election of General William Henry Harrison and John Tyler." There is a letter, June 11, 1840, from Samuel Chilton, Warrenton, written on behalf of the Central Whig Committee of Vigilance of Fauquier County; and, a letter, June 16, 1840, from G. Cuthbert Powell, Middleburg, concerning preparations for a large assemblage of people in July. A circular letter of July 13, 1840 from Wheeling, invites the recipient to attend a convention in that city to "aid the cause of Harrison, Tyler and Reform" to be held by the Whigs of the states of Virginia, Pennsylvania and Ohio. A circular letter of August 24, 1840 from Martinsburg invites the recipient to attend a public festival in the good cause of Harrison and Reform to be held by the Whigs of Berkeley County on September 10th. On August 27, 1840, Charles J[ames] Faulkner (1806-1884), Martinsburg, writes concerning his attendance at the event on September 10th. On August 29, 1840, P[hilip] R[icard] Fendall (1794-1868), Washington, inquires about William Henry Harrison's and Martin Van Buren's militia plans. A circular letter of September 1, 1840 from Richmond, invites the recipient to attend the Whig State Convention to be held on October 5th. There is a letter, September 21, 1840, from the sub-committee of arrangements for the Whig State Convention to be held on October 5th, concerning the proposed arrangement to have a meeting of the several electors of the district on the day before the convention in order to form a college to select a president and secretary whose names will be announced by one of the electors. A circular letter of September 22, 1840 states the resolutions adopted at the September 17th meeting of the Democratic Whig Club of Norfolk concerning the plans of the Grand Whig Encampment on the Plains of York Town to be held on October 19th. There are certifications, November 1840, that a presidential and vice-presidential election was held in the counties of Loudoun and Fairfax.

There is a heartfelt letter, July 4, 1843, from Janney, Philadelphia, regretfully declining an invitation to unite with his fellow Whigs in that city, adding a sentiment on the "Cradle of American Liberty." During 1844 there are numerous invitations to attend or speak at meetings, conventions and festivals in support of Henry Clay and the Whig party. An interesting letter of February 22, 1844, from J[eremiah] Morton (1799-1898), "Moreland," Fluvanna County, discusses William ["Extra Billy"] Smith (1797-1887), J[ohn] S[trode] Barbour (1790-1855), and his own speech on the subjects of the public debt and the bank and tariff question. On February 27, 1844, R. T. Daniel of Richmond writes as chairman of the Whig Central State Committee, to the Whig Electors in the state, making some suggestions on the gain of monies in order to publish and circulate the "Whig Address" and "Facts from the Record" and the registering of all Whig voters for the spring and fall elections by the appointment of an executive committee. A circular letter of March 9, 1844, "Young Men's Whig National Convention of Ratification. To the Young Whigs of the United States," serves as an invitation for a convention to be held on May 2nd in Baltimore. On March 9, 1844, Wyndham Robertson (1803-1888), Fluvanna County, comments at great length on an editorial in the Whig on March 5th and other articles which apparently misrepresented his own remarks and those actions passed in the Committee, and also mentions [Willoughby ?] Newton (1802- 1874), [John Caldwell] Calhoun, and [Daniel] Webster. A circular letter of July 8, 1844, Clarksburg, is an invitation to a Whig convention to be held on August 21st. A circular letter of July 1844 is an invitation to a Whig Barbecue on July 25th, along with the Whig Convention. On July 19, 1844, Willis Green (1783-1845 ?), Washington, writes putting forth suggestions for "the prominent active Whigs of the State" to "unite upon some plan to act in concert throughout the state," similar to the plan adopted by the Whigs of Ohio which involves dividing the state into districts. A circular letter of July 22, 1844, Winchester, is an invitation for a "Grand District Mass Meeting" to be held on August 22nd "for the purpose of proclaiming and enforcing the principles and designs of the Whig party." A circular letter of July 24, 1844, Charlestown, Jefferson County, is an invitation for a mass meeting or county convention for "advocates of the Whig Cause and Principles." Letters of 1844 continue to discuss the Whig party as well as the Loco- Focos. A circular letter of August 12, 1844 is an invitation for a Convention in the Whig City of Wheeling to be held on September 12th. A circular letter of August 28, 1844, Cumberland, Maryland, is an invitation for a mass meeting to be held on September 17th. On September 10, 1844, James F[rench] Strother (1811-1860), Rappahannock, writes concerning a meeting of the Whig party to be held in October. A circular letter of September 10, 1844, Williamsburg, is an invitation for a Convention at York Town on October 10th to support Henry Clay. On September 11, 1844, Alexander Hugh Holmes Stuart (1807-1891), Staunton, writes about upcoming plans including being present on October 1st when the Federal Court meets in order to make his arrangements for the continuance of his causes and traveling to New York in early October to attend the commencement of the proceedings of the Institute, and thereby regretfully declining a visit to Loudoun County. A circular letter of September 12, 1844, Martinsburg, is an invitation to address a Mass Meeting on October 10th "in defence of the great principles of our Party." A circular letter of September 20, 1844, Rockville (Montgomery County, Maryland) is an invitation to a Mass Meeting on September 30th. On September 23, 1844, Alexander Hugh Holmes Stuart, Staunton, writes again declining a visit to Loudoun County because of previous engagements and commenting on the people of Loudoun as being "the most enlightened & virtuous in Virginia." A letter from Warrenton on October 3, 1844 mentions the Loco- Focos meeting. William Cabell Rives (17932-1868), Castle Hill, writes on October 7, 1844 that he is unable to attend the gathering of the Whigs in Loudoun County due to ill health. On October 7, 1844, James F[rench] Strother, Rappahannock, writes concerning meetings of the Whig party. There are certifications, November 6-11, 1844, that presidential elections were held in the counties of Rappahannock, Loudoun, Fauquier, Fairfax and Culpeper. There is an interesting letter of November 28, 1844, from John S[trother] Pendleton (1802-1868), "Redwood," Culpeper, which mentions a conversation with Samuel Chilton about his being a candidate for re-election to the Congress, inquires of Janney whether he would accept such a nomination, and comments that public sentiment seems to be leaning toward Janney or himself. Pendleton's letter also includes a lengthy discussion of the future nomination and matters of consideration. There are also letters from Pendleton on December 9 and 10, 1844 concerning similar matters. On December 10, 1844, Janney writes to Pendleton concerning his inquiries on the next Congressional election and declining any nomination for himself, stating his views regarding this. Pendleton answers on December 16, 1844, commenting on Janney's letter, discussing how men in the public are sometimes urged to become a candidate, relating his regard for Janney and his own unwillingness to pursue the nomination if Janney were willing to, mentioning considerations of support from various counties, and referring to circ*mstances which would make a congressional term desirable to him. On December 28, 1844, J. C. Gibson, Culpeper, writes a lengthy, heartfelt political letter concerning Whigs, the Texas Whigs, Virginia, and elections and further wishes to solicit Janney's name as a candidate for this district in the ensuing election for Congress.

Political letters of 1845 continue to solicit John Janney as a congressional candidate. Janney answers Gibson on January 4, 1845, declining the candidacy and giving his reasons. On February 20, 1845, H. A. White and R. W. Payne, Warrenton, wish to solicit Janny's name as a candidate to represent the Whig party in the 9th Congressional District of Virginia while claiming to understand his repugnance to become a candidate but urging him to change his mind; they discuss the Whigs and the Texas Whigs. Letters of March 1st and 3rd from Janney decline the candidacy and explain his reasons. There is a letter dated [ ] 28, 1845, from J[ohn] H[ill] Carter to William B. Tyler which mentions the Whigs and John Janney.

Political letters of 1846 chiefly concern the question of holding a Convention of Virginia and the Tariff. On February 4, 1846, there is a letter from Asa Rogers, Richmond, reporting that the Convention question is now under discussion in the House of Delegates and that prominent men are giving speeches [in the House] including [Joel?] Leftwich (1759-1846) of Wythe, leader of the western people; mentioning that [Zachary] Taylor is leaning toward the "extreme west"; referring to representation by whole population for districts as opposed to "white basis"; mentioning the state west of the Blue Ridge and discussing the division of the state. On February 11, 1846, Janney answers Rogers, writing that he is unable to determine public sentiment regarding the subject of a convention and that he feels that the public attention may be drawn to foreign rather than domestic relations. He relates that he is in favor of organizing a convention based upon the "mixed basis" and not upon the "white basis" and says that some of Taylor's people favor the "white basis" and are "under the impression that the additional political power is given to the east because of the taxation upon slaves alone, and not on account of taxation upon property in the mass." Janney also mentions that the speech of J[ohn] S[trother] Pendleton is being generally well received. John S[trother] Pendleton, Washington, writes on February 24, 1846, requesting Janney's notes on the Tariff subject as he is about to examine the subject, and relating that the news from Europe is good through the prospect of peace attributed to the manner in which [James K.] Polk has managed the business. On March 2, 1846, Janney sends his references on the Tariff subject and a copy of the "Fair Proposition" by A. H. H. Stuart, questions the intelligence of striking down the protective policy and the possible reactions from foreign government, and comments on various reports and expresses his views on the Tariff question. There are letters of introduction, ca. June-July 1846 for Janney, explaining his inquiries into public or common schools, especially in regard to the plan of Free schools. Among the 1847 political papers is a letter, December 19, 1847, from John S[trother] Pendleton, Washington, to Harrison Gray Otis (1765-1848) and Thomas H[andasyd] Perkins (1764- 1865), introducing Janney. There are also extracts, [1847], from General [Zachary] Taylor's letters, August to September 1847, concerning his candidacy for the presidency.

Political letters of 1848 discuss the nomination of Zachary Taylor for the presidency and the Whig party. There is a letter of introduction, January 19, 1848, for Janney from Abbott Lawrence (1792- 1855), Boston, to the residents of Lowell. There are resolutions adopted by the Loudoun Whig meeting on February 14, 1848. On March 3, 1848, John Janney writes to John M[inor] Botts (1802-1869), Washington, concerning the nomination of General Zachary Taylor for the presidency. A circular letter of July 14, 1848, Alexandria, urges action to place Virginia among the Whig States of the Union and includes Virginia election returns for 1844 and 1840. A letter, August 7, 1848, from John Janney to John M[inor] Botts, Washington, concerns their positions on the nomination of Taylor . Botts writes on August 23, 1848, concerning his position on the nomination of Taylor and his belief that [Martin] Van Buren will take many more Whigs in the New England states. On December 20, 1848, Janney writes to B. W. Harrison, having examined the resolutions of the General Assembly of Virginia which were adopted on March 8, 1847. He discusses the issue of slavery and its relationship to Mexico and the new territory, mentioning the Missouri Compromise and the Wilmot Proviso, and the ramifications on the border states and southern states if the Union dissolves.

Political letters of 1849 further discuss the issue of slavery and the new territories. There are letters, February 1849, urging Janney to take the nomination for a seat in the State Senate; there is a letter from Janney to "Fellow Citizens" declining to be a candidate. In a letter of February 28, 1849, Robert E. Peyton, Gordonsdale, inquires whether or not Congress has a right to pass a law prohibiting slavery in the territories acquired from Mexico and whether or not Congress has a right to emancipate slaves in the District or forbid slave trade. In his letter of March 4, 1849, Janney comments on Peyton's letter, believing that it would be a misuse of power for Congress to prohibit slavery in California and New Mexico, claiming to oppose the Wilmot Proviso, stating that people authorized by a state constitution have the power to regulate slavery in their territory, believing that Congress has no right to abolish slavery or to forbid slave trade in the District of Columbia, and relating the possible effects on the District of Columbia if Maryland and Virginia ever became non-slaveholding states. On April 17, 1849, John S[trother] Pendleton, Fredericksburg, writes on his progress as a candidate for Congress. Political papers of 1850 relate to the Virginia Constitutional Convention of 1850-1851. There are drafts of resolutions, February 22, 1850, by the citizens of Loudoun County. There is a letter, July 26, 1850, from John Janney "To the People of Loudoun County." A document dated October 1850 to February 1851 includes minutes of the proceedings, the plan proposed, and resolutions for the Committee on the Judiciary of the Convention.

Political letters of 1851-1852 discuss the new constitution and representation based different methods. On May 30, 1851, R[ichard] W[illiam] N. Noland (1821- ), Albemarle County, inquires about and comments on the defeat of the "mixed basis" in the convention. On May 31, 1851, Janney answers Noland, giving his views on representation and the best method of protecting the east, which he believes is with a "suffrage basis," and commenting on [James French] Strother's motion regarding the vote. R[ichard] C[assius] L[ee] Moncure (1805-1882), Fredericksburg, writes on June 23, 1851, concerning the establishment of district courts, having an independent judiciary, the mode of electing appellate judges, and improvements needed in the jury trial in relation to the new constitution. On December 5, 1851, Janney writes to his fellow citizens about his nomination for the office of senate and expressing his opinions on certain matters, including the new constitution and representation by "mixed basis" and "white basis." There are letters, April 2 and 4, 1852, from John W. Tyler, Warrenton, concerning his election as judge of his judicial circuit.

Political letters of 1857-1858 relate to the public land question, politics in general, and the University of Virginia. On March 28, 1857, George E[yster] Senseney, editor, Winchester Republican, refers to the public land question and the injustice in regard to the dispositions of the common domain, comments on [Charles James] Faulkner taking both sides of the land question in order to help his election, and requests to offer his name as a candidate for Congress. On April 3, 1857, Janney writes to Senseney, declining to be a candidate and commenting on the Constitutional Convention of Virginia 1850-1851. There is an interesting letter, April 29, 1858, from V[alentine] W[ood] Southall ( -1861), Charlottesville, concerning the University of Virginia. He comments disfavorably on the University since "the reign of Democratic terror commenced in Va," claims that the entire visitors board and faculty appear to have been selected because of their political opinions, mentions his disdain for Governor [Joseph] Johnson (1785-1877), refers to the political clique of "Calhoun abstractionists, fire eaters, & disunionists," mentions the visit to the University by [ ] Davis and the discourteous reception which apparently led to the loss of a bill proposing an appropriation to the University, comments passionately on the deplorable state of public affairs, state and federal, refers to [James Buchanan (1791-1868)] "chief magistrate who seems but little removed from lunacy," and touches on other political topics. On May 22, 1848, Southall writes about his dissatisfaction with the course of the Richmond Whig and its involvement in the subject of a revival of the African slave trade.

Political letters and papers of 1860-1862 relate to the Union, the Constitution, and the Convention of Virginia. There are drafts concerning the presidential election and the organization of the Union Party in Loudoun County (October 1860). There are resolutions to be laid before a meeting of the citizens of Loudoun County concerning issues relating to the Union and the Constitution, especially the fugitive slave laws and slavery in the new territories (November-December 1860). There is a draft of Loudoun County resolutions concerning the imminent danger to the Constitution of the United States and the Union (1860). There is an 1861 Electoral Ticket for Jefferson Davis as President and Alexander H. Stephens as Vice-President for the Confederacy. On February 23, 1861, [ ] Huey, Philadelphia, writes to Janney, who is presiding over the Virginia Convention, advising that Virginia must stay in the Union at all costs, expressing his belief that a majority of both houses of Congress and the Supreme Court will be in favor of the South, and inquiring as to what can be gained by secession that is not already secured in the Union. There is a copy of the March 20, 1861 Congressional Record "Our First Grave Constitutional Crisis 1861; Speech of Hon. Dale Alford." On April 18, 1861, J[ohn] J[ordan] Crittendon (1787-1863), Frankfort, Kentucky, writes concerning the Resolution of the Convention of Virginia in appreciation of Crittendon's efforts in the Senate. A lengthy letter, April 18, 1861, from Charles co*cke, Huntley, Nelson County, questions the outcome of the Convention of Virginia. co*cke writes a passionate political outpouring on the effects of "dissolution of the Union," including "the terrors of a civil strife" and "the subversion of the noblest form of Government." He claims that the Convention "laid down the principle that secession for cause, is justifiable"; comments on South Carolina's reasons for seceding; scoffs at the advocates of secession -- J[ames] M[urray] Mason (1798- 1871), R[obert] M[ercer] T[aliaferro] Hunter (1809-1887), [William] "Extra Billy" [Smith] (1797-1887), S[helton] F[arrar] Leake (1812-1884), and R[oger Atkinson ?] Pryor (1828-1919); comments on several leaders as good men, including John Janney, William [Cabell] Rives, and others; and, comments that if the "rebel states had stood their ground, [Abraham] Lincoln would have been in a minority in both Houses of Congress..." There are two letters, April 28 and May 1, 1861, from W[illiam] C[abell] Rives , "Castle Hill," Cobham, concerning political matters. The former letter from Rives relays the content of two conversations with the vice-president of the Confederate States, [Alexander Hamilton] Stephens; reveals that he is pleased with "the calm & dispassionate tone of his mind, & the frankness & sincerity with which he expressed his views"; and, claims that Stephens is anxious for a peaceable separation. The latter letter concerns Rives' appointment as one of the delegates to the Congress at Montgomery, and encloses a letter to be laid before the Convention as follows: expressing his acknowledgments for the honor of being elected as one of the Delegates of Virginia to the Congress of the Confederate States and regretfully declines acceptance because of his delicate health. Rives writes a heartfelt, patriotic letter in support of the Commonwealth and its decision of secession. A letter of May 3, 1861 from George W[illiam] Summers (1804- 1868), Kanawha Courthouse, concerns the progress of the Convention of Virginia; inquires about the status of Virginia as a Confederate State, and the possibility of a peaceable separation with the South acting only in defense; and, states the conditions in his region. On May 5, 1861, Rives writes in deference to the wishes and opinions expressed by Janney and A. H. H. Stuart that he has decided "to undertake the mission to Montgomery," and refers to Janney's address to General [Robert E.] Lee upon his appointment to the chief command of our military forces. A letter of June 14, 1861, from Rives concerns his acceptance of the duties of the appointment conferred upon him by the Convention. There is an August 1861 document of the property of John Janney impressed for the use of the Confederate states. There is a letter [1861] "To the People of Loudoun" revealing thoughts on Virginia and the Union and the question of secession and the organization of the Convention of Virginia. On June 9, 1862, F[rancis] H[arrison] Pierpoint (1814-1899), Wheeling, West Virginia, writing as provisional governor, indicates his desire to restore peace and order in Loudoun and the adjoining counties and warns that he intends to protect the Union men and their property, threatening to send away the secessionists at any sign of trouble.

Political letters of 1865-1868 are chiefly between Janney and Alexander Hugh Holmes Stuart and concern the possibility of the reunion of Virginia and West Virginia. There is an October 11, 1865 document, "The Voter's Oath," signed by John Janney. On March 9, 1866, Alexander H[ugh] H[olmes] Stuart (1807-1891), Staunton, writes concerning his election as one of the commissioners to West Virginia, referring to the resolutions directing them to communicate with the government legislature of West Virginia, and indicating that a postponement would be best witih the commissioners meeting in Richmond some two or three weeks from now to confer with each other and with Governor [Francis Harrison] Pierpont. On March 28, 1866, Stuart encloses a copy of a letter dated March 21st from Governor [Arthur Ingram] Boreman (1823-1896), Wheeling, West Virginia, concerning the resolutions adopted by the General Assembly of Virginia on the subjects of a reunion of the states of Virginia and West Virginia, the settlement of the public debt, and a division of the public property of Virginia as existed prior to the separation. There is a letter, June 19, 1866, from J[oshua] Francis Fisher (1807-1873), concerning his pamphlet ["Concessions and Compromises" ?] before the meeting of the South Carolina Convention, which showed his feelings and principles at the beginning of their troubles. On February 26, 1867, Stuart discusses their resignations and the prospect of delaying them until the new legislature meets and provides his impressions on the current political situation. A letter, June 28, 1867, from William Cabell Rives refers to the Trustees of the Peabody Fund appointment of Dr. [Barnas] Sears (1802-1880) as their general agent. On February 24, 1868, John Janney writes to R. T. Daniel concerning a political address, indicating a change to be made on the statement about the Convention of Virginia that ratified the Constitution of the United States, and mentioning [Robert Mercer Taliaferro] Hunter. On December 25, 1868, Alexander Hugh Holmes Stuart writes that reports indicate that something must be done "to save Virginia from ruin," and mentions [John Brown] Baldwin (1820-1873), [John] Echols (1823-1896), and [ ] Sheffey, who request Janney's presence at a meeting in Richmond. A March 20, 1870 letter from Charles B. Ball, Richmond, to George N. Owing concerns his chances for the judgship. There are several undated political items, including a petition "To the Senate of the United States of America," by the citizens and voters of Philadelphia, requesting an alteration to the Constitution concerning representation as related to slave property. There are also notes: "Reasons for voting against re-eligibility in committee," "Subject of Guarantees" on basis and re- eligibility of government, and on amendments to the Constitution, chiefly regarding representation.

There are transcripts of letters, February - April 1861, from John Janney to his wife, Alcinda "Alice" S. (Marmaduke) Janney while he is in attendance at the Convention of Virginia in Richmond. Although the letters are of a personal nature, Janney does relate his opinions and other information-- some confidential--about the Convention and its progress.

Among John Janney's papers are correspondence and financial and legal papers of Solomon Parsons. There are letters, 1810-1813, from Solomon Parsons to his wife, Harriett E. Parsons. On April 11, 1813, Parsons mentions Admiral [John Borlase] Warren (1753-1822) and his fleet being at the mouth of the Potomac River and refers to his insolence in sending his compliments to their fort. On July 19, 1813, Parsons writes that he believes that the British will come up as far as Dumfries or opposite Occoquan for water before making their escape back, that the town is nearly all soldiers, that he does not know what his part will be yet, and that more troops are arriving. There are letters on October 12 and December 21, 1821, to Henry Gunnell concerning the John Coffey estate and its appraisal. On September 10, 1816, Jacob Parsons, Gloucester, writes about the failure of the tanning business, looking for a new livelihood, and commerce and the fisheries being depressed. There is a letter, February 30, 1828, from Gloucester, referring to the attendance of parties and balls, family news, religious matters, and cousin John [Janney]. There is a June 20, 1829 letter from Baldwin Bradford, Warrenton, to Parsons, concerning an enclosed letter dictated and marked by an African-American woman, Nancy Jackson, requesting another African-American woman, Patsy Johnson, to give ten dollars to Solomon Parsons after her death. It notes that Samuel Johnson, husband of Patsy Johnson, is a free black man who lives with Bradford. The enclosure, February 9, 1829, [Nancy Jackson] to "Dear Master" states her intentions. Letters of July 14 and July 18, 1829 between Parsons and Thomas W. Hewitt concern the John Coffey estate and an inquiry into the sale of the slaves and whether or not they brought as much as they were worth. There is a letter, July 25, 1829, from Mord[ecai] Miller, Alexandria, in which he advises one Sibblefield not to give up the rifles to the government. On September 13, 1829, Jacob Parsons, Gloucester, writes to his brother, commenting on their having similar views on religious subjects yet such differing views on political and commercial topics. On September 24, 1829, A[nthony] P. Gover, Alexandria, refers to foreign affairs, mentioning the Russo-Turkish war and the Russians playing havoc with the Turks and to domestic affairs, mentioning "John Eaton, and the chaste and enlightened cabinet" of Andrew Jackson and the changes to be made in the Custom House offices. Letters of September 24 and October 4, 1829, from John R. Pierpoint, Alexandria, concern the books, James Fenimore Cooper's Works and Ivanhoe [by Sir Walter Scott]. Gover also writes on December 17, 1829, about the speculation in wharf property and the establishment of a foundry and a new ferry in Alexandria. There are interesting letters, October - November 1829, from Fanny B. B. Wilson, "Happy Retreat," Occoquan, to her brother, Solomon Parsons, as a widow with several small children attempting to settle the estate of her late husband, Richard Wilson. She discusses options for making a living such as working part of the farm; the Sheriff calling for a fee bill and taxes and taking her horse, which she hired out for money to buy bread, when she could not pay; the tenant on the Lindsay farm not paying rent; and problems with settling the estate and its outstanding debts. She also lists the names of her six children. Letters of January 12 and March 3, 1830, from J. D. Parsons, Charleston, South Carolina, to his brother chiefly concern business and mention brother Samuel losing his office, his own business being in much confusion, the bankruptcy of a former commercial debtor and ensuing financial problems, and mercantile, agricultural and mechanical operations, and the improvement in business by March. On January 17, 1830, Jacob Parsons, Gloucester, writes about a shipment of a keg of mackerel and there being no sale for fish except mackerel; he also "hopes that Congress will do something toward removing the shackles from commerce" and gives his views on how to maintain a healthy commerce. A letter of February 1, 1830 discusses business progress at Occoquan, mentioning John Morgan selling a great many goods, the factory being in full operation, some thirty good looking and well-dressed girls being well broken in to the business, several houses being built, and the village needing a tailor and a shoemaker. He also mentions freight voyages to St. Thomas, Brazil, and St. Domingo and the effect of the Temperance Society around Alexandria. A letter of March 17, 1830, from Thomas Love, Lebanon, [Ohio], gives a description of the geography of Fairfield, Ohio and surrounding land and waterways; and, mentions various newspapers published in Ohio, the Message from the President [Andrew Jackson], and the tuition at Oxford College, Butler County, Ohio. On March 19, 1830, A[nthony] P. Gover, Alexandria, writes concerning the stir at their town election for councilmen in relation to taxation; the canal dispute and building the road causing much corporate debt; news of local business, including the crockery business of a local, and a foundry and spinning machine maker and the establishment of a ferry on the wharfs. A letter of April 11, 1830 mentions family and local news of Alexandria, John R. Pierpoint being their only boarder, Samuel M. Janney moving to Occoquan, and the house being rented to [Samuel] Carusi, the music and dancing master. A letter of May 13, 1830, from Gover reports the progress on the [Alexandria] canal and refers to the magnitude of the undulation and the wonderful locks. There is another letter, June 15, 1830, from Fanny B. B. Wilson, reporting that she has still not received money or property from the estate because of the lack of an administrator and that she is sending the majority of her children to school. The financial and legal papers of Solomon Parsons refer to the John Coffey estate (February 11, 1807 and January 24, 1827); the farm called "Chantilly" in Fairfax County (September 1, 1818); smith shop accounts, 1821-1823; and, accounts between Solomon Parsons and A[nthony] P. Gover.

Papers of Robert Stevenson Janney
There are letters, 1924-1943, from Robert Stevenson Janney to his parents, Abram David Pollock and Lucy (Stevenson) Janney, during his childhood and youth and later during his service in Europe during World War II. On March 5, 1938, he writes from San Francisco, California, following visits to Tokyo and Yokohama, Japan and to Honolulu and Oahu, Hawaii and the voyages between places. He mentions sailing with Taylor Statten and his wife who were on their way home from India where they had been travelling and observing Y. M. C. A. work. On December 8, 1941, while training at Maxwell Field Replacement Center, Montgomery, Alabama, he writes concerning the attitudes of the men receiving the news of the war [the attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on December 7th], the duplicity of the Japanese government, the immediate effect of guards being doubled or tripled and wearing uniform at all times, and his friends in the 17th Squadron now in Manila. Letters of February 1 & 23 and March 7, 1943, "Some Where in North Africa" mention the climate; the quarters and meals being satisfactory; continuing preparations for training; encouraging news from the Russian front; amusem*nt in the form of movies, a traveling French vaudeville show, and card games; doing some flying; spending all their times on the base; Arab farms and shepherds nearby; and foods for soldiers.

There are letters, 1925-1936, to his aunts, Lilias Janney and Nancy Lee (Janney) Gilmour, concerning his studies, activities and school sports while a student at Princeton University (1934-1936) and a visit to the resort Grandmere in the district of Quebec and playing golf (October 8, 1935). There are letters, 1937-1943, from Janney to his aunts during his youth and later during his service in Europe during World War II. Letters from September 1937 to February 1938 detail his visit to various countries in Europe and to Japan. A September 10, 1937 letter from London, England mentions visits to the British Museum, Houses of Parliament, Tower of London, Madam Tussaud's, St. Paul's, London School of Economics, Oxford University, and Bodleian Library; attending a Russian ballet; and, hearing [George] Campbell Morgan (1863- ) preach at Westminster Chapel. An October 12, 1937 letter from Tours, France describes visits to the Chateau of Chenonceaux, the Chateau of Ambiose, and the interior of a wine-making establishment; mentions visits to Paris, the Louve, the Exposition, the opera (Rigoletto, Carmen, and Fidelio), Versailles, Church of the Madeleline, Arc de Triomphe, the Invaides Palaces, Notre Dame, Church of the Sacre Coeur, Gardens of Luxembourg, Napoleon's tomb, and the Eiffel Tower. A postcard dated November 16, 1937 from Vienna, Austria, concerns a stay in Munich, Germany which ended with a Nazi festival with the presence of German officials, including Adolf Hitler; and visits to Oberammergau and the Bavarian Alps. A postcard dated December 9, 1937 from Naples, Italy mentions visits to Capri via Sorrento and the Blue Grotto and Pompeii and Vesuvius. A postcard [1937] from Florence, Italy mentions staying in Venice for five days and visits to the ancient ruins of Fiesole and an exhibit of Italian thirteenth and fourteenth century art. On December 12, 1937, Janney writes from Nice, France, a lengthy letter giving details of activities and descriptions of places visited while in Europe up to this date. He mentions his traveling companions from Princeton, Boardman Jones of St. Louis and Bradford Cochran of Plainfield, New Jersey. Places visited in Germany included Oberammergau, where they saw the wood carvers' shops and the theatre where the Passion Play is performed; Linderhof, a rococo palace built by Kind Ludwig II of Bavaria; beautiful scenery in Bavarian countryside; and, the top of Germany's highest mountain, the Zugspitze. They took a train trip to Innsbruck and Vienna, Austria, where they visited the Crown Jewels, Imperial Palace, Habsburg crypt, an art gallery, Rigoletto, an exhibition at the Spanish Riding School, a military museum, and the "Blue Danube." He comments on his impressions of South Germany and of Vienna. He details his visits to places in the Italian cities of Venice, Florence, Rome, and Naples. Places mentioned include: Doge's Palace, the Lido, Academia Art Gallery, Church of San Zacharia, Cathedral of San Marco, Church of Santa Maria della Salute, and, a glass-blowing establishment (Venice); Uffizzi Gallery, Church of Santa Croce, Church of San Miniato, Pitti Gallery, a Giotto exhibition, the Cathedral, and, the ruins of Fiesole (Florence); the ruins of the forum and coliseum, the Baths of Diocletian and Caracalla, the Catacombs, National Museum, St. Peter's , Apian Way, Capucina Monastery, Vatican Museum, Sistine Chapel, and Mostra Augustina (Rome); and, Pompeii and Mt. Vesuvius, Capri, and Sorrento (Naples). On January 25, 1938, onboard ship toward Japan, Janney writes about his voyage on the S. S. Potsdam from Genoa, Italy to Manila with stops at Port Said, Egypt; Colombo, Ceylon; and Singapore, Manila. He gives a brief description of volcano eruptions at Stromboli and the straits of Messina in Italy. In Singapore, Malaysia, he made visits to botanical gardens, docks and native quarters. He describes Johore and life there and mentions meeting interesting peoples in Manila, including an Englishman named Hearn. A postcard dated February 1, 1938 from Kyoto, Nippon [Japan] mentions visits to shrines and palaces in Kyoto and Nara. On March 6, 1938, he writes from San Francisco, California about his tour of San Francisco and surrounding country, with visits to Berkeley, Oakland, the University of California, Mt. Tamalpais, Muir Woods, and Chinatown. He mentions hearing Reverend [Charles Rosenbury] Erdman (1866-1960) of Princeton, New Jersey preach. There is a description of Honolulu, Hawaii and mention of his activities. He mentions the voyage on the Empress of Japan from Yokohama with interesting people, including Taylor Statten and his wife, returning from India to observe Y. M. C. A. work; the kindness of the Japanese people; visits to Kobe, Kyoto, Nara, and Tokyo, and, meeting the Hepners, Lutheran missionaries from Virginia. Letters from March - June 1940 concern work with the Japan Reference Library.

Robert Stevenson Janney sent letters to his aunts from October 1941 to December 1943 while training and serving in the United States Army Air Corp. Letters of October 25 and November 3, 1941 are written while training with the 89th Bomb Squadron at Savannah Air Base and mention his application for flying school being favorably received, General [George Catlett] Marshall (1880-1959), plans to go to flying school at Maxwell Field in Montgomery, Alabama, and the beautiful gardens owned by the Henry family. On November 24, 1941, he writes from the Air Corps Replacement Center, Maxwell Field about his activities, including plans to take flying training with seventy other officers; being in the preliminary period designed to give the men their foundation in discipline, drill and general army routine; living arrangements; and, having dinner where at the Baldwin's where Beverley Randolph Tucker of Richmond was a guest. Letters of December 22, 1941 and January 8 and February 17, 1942, written from the Hawthorne School of Aeronautics, mention living arrangements, the routine of army life, his flying progress and first solo ride and acrobatic maneuvers, and the final party at the local cadet club. He writes from Basic Flying School at Shaw Field, Sumter, South Carolina on February 23 and March 16, 1942, mentioning the new facility; their program being full with classes in the morning and flying the afternoon; a new type of plane more complicated, faster and more powerful; restrictions on discussions of training; and, a dance for the cadets in Hartsville. Letters of May 3 and June 6, 1942, written from Moody Field, Valdosta, Georgia, mention the trip from Sumter to Valdosta; advanced planes; having an x-card for gas rationing; Cecil Thompson of the First Presbyterian Church; bad weather delaying flying; doing some night flying, local and cross-country, in addition to regular day time flying and ground school; and a weekend trip to Montgomery, Alabama. On July 19, 1942, Janney writes while with the 465th Bomb Squad at Key Field, Meridian, Mississippi, mentioning that they are learning to fly a new type of plane, the Douglas Boston bomber (DB-7), which is fast and maneuverable and chiefly used against ground forces and that they are being readied for combat duty. Janney was with the 465th Bomb Squadron until December 1942. On September 21, 1942 he writes that the maneuvers were a valuable experience and that they took place along the Sabine River, the boundary between Louisiana and Texas and that they used the A-20-B. Postcards, September to November 1942, from bases in Louisiana, mention his new position as squadron operations officer, scheduling flights, the 27th Bomb Group doing maneuvers in the region, living quarters, athletic facilities, flying facilities, and night flying. On December 27, 1942, Janney writes while with the 27th Bomb Group at Harding Field, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, stating that training is proceeding at an increased rate and that he was presented with a Swiss wristwatch from the men in his squadron upon his retirement as their commanding officer. In a letter of January 18, 1943, en route to North Africa, Air Base, Natal, Brazil, he describes a quaint town of about 200,000, with the natives a mixture of Portugese, Indian and African-American strains. On March 21, 1943, with the 27th Bomb Group, somewhere in North Africa, he writes about their recreation of volleyball and baseball; the Arabs and French in the area; a diet of eggs, oranges and tangerines; Bill Clifford of Loudoun County being there; and, good living conditions. On April 15, 1943, with the 47th Bomb Group, somewhere in North Africa, he writes about his transfer to another organization, with other fellow pilots from the old group and describes a visit to Algiers. On May 24 and June 20, 1943, with the 84th Bomb Squadron, 47th Bomb Group, he writes about seeing many prisoners on his trips to the battle area; some places being torn up and strewn with equipment while some fields are under cultivation; land mines left by the Germans; his new living arrangements; Walter Janney, Jr. being around; and, the squadrons being reviewed by a high British official. There is V-mail dating from July through December 1943 which mention living in a British Officers' quarters and a visit to Constantine, Algeria where Bastille Day was celebrated with parades and patriotic ceremonies (July 25, 1943); being at a British base and the British putting to use what they learned about managing in the field (August 4, 1943); visits to Mt. Etna, Catania and other places as well as Syracuse, Augusta and the straits of Messina and the inhabitants of Sicily, Italy (September 5, 1943); a visit to the Isle of Capri (October 4, 1943); and, a visit to Naples, Italy (November 1, 1943).

Correspondence and Papers of the Gilmour, Janney and Pollock families
Papers of the Gilmour, Janney and Pollock families include correspondence and papers of members of these families of Loudoun County. Folders are arranged in groups by specific individuals or couples: Abraham David Pollock Gilmour and Nancy Lee (Janney) Gilmour (1886- ); Abram David Pollock Janney (1880- ) and Lucy (Stevenson) Janney; Charles Phillips Janney (1839-1925) and Nannie Lee (Pollock) Janney ( -1908); John Janney, Jr. (1878-1967); Lilias Janney (1874- ); Nathaniel Ellicott Janney (1813-1848); Thomas Gordon Janney (1870- ); and, Lily Pollock.

Letters, 1897-1946, to Abraham David Pollock Gilmour and Nancy Lee (Janney) Gilmour cover a variety of topics. On June 19, 1897, John R. Sampson, principal, Pantops Academy, Charlottesville, to writes A. D. P. Gilmour concerning his favorable decision to hire Gilmour for a vacancy in the mathematical department. There is an essay, October 27, 1898, describing "The Island of Canna" and "The Cave at Eigg" in Scotland. On October 3, 1939, Carrie Lena Moffett refers to her visit to Shanghai, China, mentioning news of the Moffetts and others, the hospital and the Refugee Hospital in Shanghai, the need for Chinese technicians in Kiangyin, and Ruth Worth teaching technicians at the Refugee Hospital. On December 30, 1939, Peter Mao, Boys' Department, Y. M. C. A., Shanghai, writes concerning missionary and education work in Kiangyin and a celebration in honor of three of their missionaries, Lacy L. Little, Andrew Allison, and Kathryne L. Thompson. On January 30, 1940, Charles W. Worth, Hangchow Christian College, Hangchow, Che., China, writes about the uncertain and confusing political situation, the effects of the Treaty lapse, poverty throughout the occupied areas, and the amount of relief work. Letters, 1844, from W[illiam] H[ammond] Milton (1868- ) and Virginia Lee Milton touch upon his early ministry, [Archibald Joseph] Cronin's The Keys of the Kingdom and Evelyn Underhill's Worship, and, the death of the Gilmour's nephew [Robert Stevenson Janney]. On July 10, 1944, J[oseph Gr⥧oire] de Roulhac Hamilton (1878-1961), The Library, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, encloses a brochure on the University's "A National Southern Collection" and refers to the Pollock diary. A letter of May 28, 1946, from Brooks Palmer (1900?- 1974) of New York, refers to Daniel Monroe, a Massachusetts clock maker.

Letters, 1908-1965, to Nancy Lee (Janney) Gilmour, chiefly pertain to news of family and friends in Leesburg, Virginia. Letters of 1935 refer mostly to her engagement to A. D. P. Gilmour. Other items of interest are mentioned. There are letters (May 16, 1934; October 14, 1935, March 2 & 17, 1936; and, January 22, 1955) from Reverend James Shannon Montgomery, Minister of the Leesburg Presbyterian Church, chiefly concerning church matters and news of Leesburg and its inhabitants. In 1934, Montgomery also mentions a visit to Westfield, New Jersey and Princeton, a meeting with William K. McKinney and his request for him to talk to Robert [Stevenson Janney] about his interest in the ministry, and describes the reunion held at Princeton. In 1955, Montgomery writes from a retirement community, Olds Hall, Daytona Beach, Florida, that he is still opposed to the Church Union movement, and about religious insights, the division of the Presbytery of St. Johns, and the rapid increase of the Florida population. There is a letter, January 4, 1935, from Lily H[eth Davis] Dabney (1875-1973) at the University of Virginia. There are letters, January 1935, from W[illiam] Sinclair Bowen (1867-1951), Cleveland, Ohio and Rachel [McMasters] M[iller] Hunt (1882-1963), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, about her engagement. There are letters (January 9, 1935; [post 1943] August 7) from Edward Griffith Dodson (1884-1969), Clerk, Virginia House of Delegates, concerning personal matters. On January 17, 1935, Harrison Williams (1873-1953 ?), Washington, D. C., writes as president of the Thomas Balch Library concerning her resignation of the chairmanship of the Grounds Committee and the work so far accomplished. There is a letter, February 8, 1935, from Daisy H[aywood] Moseley (1892- ) of Glen Ridge, New Jersey. There is a letter, February 13, 1935, from Hugh Chaplin (1887-1973) of New York mentioning a Chinese meal with a group of old Chinese friends. On March 14, 1935, Cazenove G[ardner] Lee, Jr., Washington, D. C., writes about the progress at "Stratford" and about the Lee Society. There are two letters (March 25 and May 8, 1935) from former University of Virginia student, Edmund J[ennings] Lee (1877- ), Rector, Chatham Hall, Chatham, Virginia, concerning personal matters and mentioning his wife, Lucy. There is a letter, Mary 24, 1935, from "Josey" in Hwai-an, Ku, China, concerning mission work and religious and educational work in that area. A September 23, 1935 letter from "Betty" in Jersey, Channel Islands, mentions the feeling of war in Europe, especially Italy, and a visit to London, and describes Jersey and its inhabitants. There is a December 22, 1935 letter from Constance Cary Harrison of "Belvoir," Fauquier County. Other letters of interest to Nancy Lee (Janney) Gilmour are from Ada H. Wright, a missionary in Japan and Australia. Letters of January 7 & 17, 1935, from Kumamoto, Ki_shi_, S. Japan, mention mission work for local people, a visit to the Government Leper Asylum, St. Timothy's Church in Tokyo, work with the lepers in the Loo Choo Islands and at the Government Leper Asylum and describes a Christmas celebration. A letter from the same place on February 16, 1935 mentions the engagement and an addition to their hospital. A letter, February 2, 1944, from Wright in Guildford, Perth, Western Australia, mentions an auxiliary for the Mission to Lepers in Perth. A letter, August 17, 1939, from "Jessie" at Golf Hotel, Woodhall Spa., [England], contains a description of the village of Woodhall, and mentions the King and Queen of England [King George VI and Queen Elizabeth] touring America, offering "Rosemont" for housing evacuated children, and Germany blindly following Hitler. On May 20, 1941, Robert E. Peyton, Jr., Richmond, writes concerning the negative effect of the war in Europe on the prosperity of apple orchards in Virginia. There are also letters from the summer of 1944 expressing sympathy over the death of the Gilmour's nephew, Robert Stevenson Janney. There are letters (September 1, October 11, 1958; December 28, 1960; and, December 18, 1961) from Stewart Couper of Midlothian and Angus, Scotland, concerning religion, church matters, and conditions and life in Scotland. An undated letter, February 20, from Hetty Harrison, Hay-Adams House, Washington, D. C. discusses gardening and several Virginia nurseries, and mentions Constance Cary Harrison. An undated letter, March 22, from "cousin Lily" in Paris, France, mentions travel around Nice and Paris, France, and gives her opinion of Paris.

Letters, 1929-1964, to Nancy Lee (Janney) Gilmour from her brother, John Janney, Jr., touch upon legal, political, and religious concerns as well as events in Pioche, Nevada. Letters of March 22 and April 5,1935, on "American Society of Practical Economists" letterhead, mention Janney being one of the speakers at a meeting of the Foreign Policy Association and comment on the financial depression in the county and on the Congressmen from North Carolina "playing in with the international bankers by letting them manage currencies..." The latter one comments at length on senators and congressmen from North Carolina being blind to "this monetary situation" and thus not "lending any substantial cooperation to any effort in the Congress to save this great nation from its present tragic plight..." and mentions control of the value of the properties of this nation, the manipulation of private banking interests, and other national financial interests. A March 15, 1936 letter discusses Jewish and Christian sermons in his area and comments on the modern revisions to the sermons. On May 8, 1936, Janney is "On Board Steamship" traveling through a canal. A letter of October 6, 1950 relays personal and legal news. On Febraury 20, 1958, Janney mentions Governor [J. Lindsay] Almond's speech [on segregation] and comments on the conditions in Virginia. Letters of January 9 and February 15, 1959 comments at length on "Massive Resistance" in Virginia as well as on Governor Almond usurping the rights of the legislature. On April 29, 1959, Janney writes that he has much work since he took on the job of Virginia political deficiencies. A November 9, 1959 letter discusses an agreement on the family farm and a controversy with the bank and the life tenant. There is a copy of a letter, December 13, 1962, from Janney to George S. Montgomery, concerning a Pioche, Nevada court case involving Dolman and Company and its effect on the Pioche Mines Company. A July 7, 1964 letter on "Pioche Mines Consolidates, Inc." letterhead also discusses the Dolman-Lee case as well as other legal work.

Letters, 1908-1940, n.d., to Nancy Lee (Janney) Gilmour from her sister, Lilias Janney, chiefly discuss family and friends and events in Leesburg, Virginia. On February 1, 1908, she writes from Los Angeles, California concerning visits to Los Angeles and Pasadena, mentioning the actions taken in locating a room and meeting a woman who is a Christian Scientist and a practitioner. On April 21, 1916, she writes from Yokohama, Japan, discussing her trip to Kamakura, with a visit to a "Tea House" and to the home of [Inazao] Nitobae (1862-1933) and his wife [Mary Patterson Elkinton] Nitobae, and comments on a procession of the Emperor and Empress and their court. Letters of June 1929 refer to the death of Leon Fry while schooling a horse, her nephew, Robert [Stevenson Janney] going to Camp [Ahmeck, Algonquin Park], Ontario, and Cary Langhorne entertaining the Garden Club. One letter in June is from "The Monticello," Charlottesville, where she has visited "Monticello," Michie Tavern, Farmington Country Club, and the University of Virginia. A letter, ca. January 1935, from the Acorn Club, Philadelphia, describes the attendance of Anne [Janney's] recital at the Hotel Barclay ballroom and includes a newspaper clipping. Letters of February 21 and 27, 1935, from Plainfield, New Jersey, mention a Bokara man who sells rugs, including Persians and Orientals and a visit with her nephew, Robert [Stevenson Janney], at Princeton University and to Westminster School. In a letter, ca. February 1935, she writes about her visit to New York and hearing [Ignaz] Friedman (1882- 1948 ) who, she feels, is in the same class as [Ignace Jan] Paderewski (1860-1941) and going to the Metropolitan Museum. A letter of April 29, 1935 mentions Caz[enove Gardner] Lee. On June 17, 1935, she writes news of the Garden Club, mentioning the medal given to [John Davison] Rockefeller (1874-1960) for the Williamsburg Palace gardens. On June 20, 1935, she mentions the Massanetta Festival in July and being chairman of the "Open Air" Music Committee. A September 20, 1935 letter gives news of Robert Heston who has been cooking at a Catholic institution and a riding club. A September 28, 1935 letter refers to the management of family property rented to the Gallehers and the possible offer to sale to them. On November 26, 1935, she mentions meeting Mrs. [John Stewart ?] Battle [Mary Jane (Lipscomb) Battle ?] at a tea. A letter, ca. January 1936, mentions the death of "Harry" [Henry B. Rust]. From January 21 until February 12, 1936, Lilias writes from Hamilton, Bermuda. She discusses her arrival in the unique and beautiful town of Hamilton; activities including the service for the King at the Cathedral, a visit to Warwick Parish Church; activities with the Pattons; a train trip to Somerset; [Henry] Van Dyke (1852-1933) and his "poetic spirit"; guest houses and shopping and plans to go sailing. Letters of March and April 1936 discuss life in Leesburg. There are numerous undated letters from Lilias Janney. In a February 5th letter, she mentions seeing Mary of Scotland with Helen Hayes (1900-1993) as Mary. In a May 5th letter, she mentions having tea at the Pattons, stating that "Old Mrs. Patton is quite the Grande Dame...Mr. & Mrs. George Patton being quite important people here. He is in Parliament & her niece married Lord Kitchener's nephew & they own an island."

Letters, 1929-1938, to Nancy Lee (Janney) Gilmour from her sister-in-law, Lucy (Stevenson) Janney relate news of family. On January 13, 1935, Baltimore, she relates news of her son Robert [Stevenson Janney] and his education and work and her own work [weaving], making socks, sweaters and fishnet scarves. A letter of October 7, 1935 gives news of Robert at Princeton University. In a letter of March 6, 1938, The St. Francis, Union Square, San Francisco, she writes about hearing a sermon of C[harles] R[osenbury] Erdman (1866-1960) of Princeton Seminary at the Calvary Presbyterian Church and relates Robert's visits to the surrounding areas.

Letters, 1929-1944, to Nancy Lee (Janney) Gilmour from her brother, Thomas Gordon Janney, are chiefly written from his home in Chicago, Illinois. On June 20, 1929, he inquires about her European trip and mentions a Chicago horse, "Reigh Count," the second place runner in the Ascot Gold Cup. In a letter of April 17, 1934, he is busy with the spring season adjustments of co*ke prices and codes and labor studies. A letter of June 20, 1934 explains in detail how to connect an indoor aerial up to the radio. On September 19, 1934, he inquires about a Mr. Eisenhard and whether or not he is Jewish, commenting that "they are so prominent now in administration circles that it is no doubt an honor to entertain one." He also mentions "Willie" Metzger, who sees the wisdom of being very stern with those criminals who drive when intoxicated, and Shirley Temple. A letter of November 17, 1934 relates news of the apple business. On January 31, 1935, he gives advice to their sister, Lilias, as general manager of a building. A March 19, 1934 letter relates that "everything is still strained & disturbed in business circles & outlook anything but reassuring." On June 10, 1935, Gordon reminisces about Wilkesboro near the headwaters of the Yadkin River which was the terminus of his first job -- the survey and construction of a railroad from Winston-Salem to Wilkesboro. He also refers to the Supreme Court decision putting the National Recovery Administration (N.R.A.) where it belongs and how it will help business if the good features can be retained. On June 27, 1935, he mentions the visit of M'Cready Sykes (1869-1952) who spoke admiringly of Robert [Stevenson Janney]. A letter of September 25, 1935, he has come east to Leesburg on business brought about by the threat of the coal strike; he mentions a visit to Spa-Valley and Crozet over arrangements for apple storage. A January 27, 1936 letter discusses the death of "Harry" [Henry B. Rust] (1872-1935) and the funeral held at Calvary Episcopal Church and includes an obituary, also mentioning his parents Ida Lee and Armistead T. Rust. Also mentioned are the Spa-Valley outlook not being as good as New York and export prices being so low that little fruit is moving. On March 23, 1936, he gives news of cases of influenza and pneumonia and prevalent floods. In a letter of August 9, 1944, Gordon mentions there is not enough rain to save the corn crops in the area.

Letters, 1898-1946, to Abram David Pollock Janney and Lucy (Stevenson) Janney cover a variety of topics. There is a gossipy letter, October 7, 1898, from Berina Gilmour, to A. D. P. Janney, Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, discussing mutual male acquaintances that are V.M.I. cadets. On October 13, 1898, Charles P. Janney, Leesburg, writes to his son concerning his promotion to First Sergeant and encouraging his studies. On January 4 & 23, 1899, Janney writes to his son at V. M. I. concerning the news that General Shipp has dismissed the entire First Class as a disciplinary action and actions taken in regard to the First Class and giving advice on daily study to prepare for examinations. On February 25, 1900, Nancy Lee Janney, Leesburg, writes to her brother with a description of the wedding of "Lalla" and other local news. A letter, March 20, 1925, from Harris E[lliott]Kirk (1872- 1953), Minister, Franklin Street Presbyterian Church, Baltimore, expresses sympathy over the death of Charles Phillips Janney. There is a Christmas greeting, 1926, from Anne (Morson) and Francis Lee Stuart (1866-1935). On January 12, 1927, Thomas Gordon Janney, Chicago, discusses his illness due to the extraction of a wisdom tooth and mentions Turn of the Century [first volume of Our Times, the United States, 1900-1925] by Mark Sullivan (1874-1952). A February 15, 1928 letter from Nancy Lee Janney discusses her activities in Sicily and Taormina, Italy. A March 14, 1928 letter from Lilias Janney discusses activities in Florence, Italy, including a drive to Il Miniato and the Cascine, and future plans for visits to the Riviera, Nice, Milan, Venice, and Paris. A May 7, [1928] letter discusses activities in Paris and touring the countryside. A May 13, 1928 letter mentions the purchase of red copper water bottles in Vienna. On June 17, 1928, Edinburgh, Scotland, Lilias discusses her activities in London, including seeing the King [George V] and Queen [Mary] and Princess Mary and the Prince of Wales at the Trophy of the Colours, watching the procession from St. James Park. On December 7th and 18th , Harris E. Kirk sends church memorabilia about Robert Stevenson Janney.

Correspondence and papers, 1852-1923, of Charles Phillips Janney consists of letters to and from Janney, financial and legal papers, and miscellaneous papers. Letters from Janney discuss politics and legal and personal matters. On September 17, 1878, he writes to "Dear Charlie" providing support in his determination "to abandon the use of drink..."; that the temperance movement in Loudoun County has assumed formidable proportions; suggesting that he connects himself with the order here; and that he will consider a partnership after the experiment proceeds for a year. There is a letter [1884 or 1892] "To The Honorable Grover Cleveland President Elect" requesting that he consider John Randolph Tucker (1823-1897) for Attorney General and praising the character and professionalism of Tucker. A letter to the editor, September 3, 1901, concerns those who desire him to represent them in the State Senate and his decline of the offer. Letters of March 22, 1922 and October 4, 1923 concern Janney family properties, "Leeton Forest" and King Street property. On December 31, 1917, in a letter to Albert Shaw (1857-1947), Janney comments on President Woodrow Wilson as being a real leader to the American people. There is an undated letter [ca. 1921] concerning the presentation of an Arbor Vitae tree to Hampden-Sydney College on behalf of Lois I. (Kimsey) Marshall, wife of Thomas R. Marshall, the recent Vice-President of the United States. On September 17, 1923, Janney writes to Henry J. Nichols, recalling an incident as a child in Hillsboro during the Presidential Campaign of 1844, mentioning his father, James Craik Janney (1804-1878) and Lewis McKenzie (1810- 1895), and a conveyance returning from a Whig meeting in Maryland.

There are also letters, 1865-1923, to Charles Phillips Janney and Nannie Lee (Pollock) Janney from family, friends and professional contacts. On July 26, 1865, H. B. Miller, Culpeper County, reports that only secessionists are in the political field for the elections for county officers and that the Union men are still hated. On January 20, 1866, Samuel McPherson Janney (1801-1880), Washington, D. C., a Unionist during the war, reports on efforts to be indemnified for losses sustained by the family during the Civil War; mentions consulting several prominent statesmen, including [Henry Bowen] Anthony (1815-1884), [Daniel] Clark (1809-1891), C[olumbus] Delano (1809-1896), Charles Edward Phelps (1833-1908), [Noah Haynes] Swayne (1804-1884), and [Edwin Hanson] Webster (1829-1893). A letter of February 18, 1868, from D. W. Taylor , Alexandria, concerns Miss Fannie Pollock, whom he judges as "a true woman" and believes that she "has good ideas as to what should constitute a true woman"; and, contains a discussion of relationships between men and women and how their opinions on certain subjects may vary. There is a letter, January 22, 1884, from James S. Porter, pastor, about the Gum Spring Methodist Church at Gainesville. On June 23, 1897, M. O. Hawkins, "Hanover Construction Company/Builders of the Montgomery Division of the Mobile & Ohio Railroad," Tuscaloosa, Alabama, writes concerning the hiring of an assistant engineer and his request for John [Janney] and the railroad company building 200 miles through Alabama. Letters, March 28, 1921 and January 16, 1922, concerning the Janney family and land patents are from Fairfax Harrison (1869-1938) and Richard Mott Janney. There are two letters, October 9 & 16, 1923, from James E. Galleher and W. Cary Galleher, Jr. of Richmond concerning the purchase of the King Street property in Leesburg.

Letters to Charles Phillips Janney from William Edward Dodd (1869-1940) concern the purchase, 1912-1913, and management, 1916-1925, of Middlebrook Farm, Round Hill, Virginia. A September 24, 1914 letter concerns the contract with Houghton Mifflin Company for Dodd's History of the United States. Letters from 1914-1916 concern the settlement of the Laura B. V. Gray land. On February 26 and April 28, 1916, Dodd at the University of Chicago, comments on events in Europe, mentioning the fight around Verdun and German ambitions, the cost to the French in holding back the Germans from Verdun, and the presence of Russians in France.

Letters, 1916-1924, to Charles Phillips Janney from Nancy Lee (Janney) Gilmour chiefly detail her visit to the Far East in 1918. In letters of January 27 and 31,1916, she writes from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania concerning people met and her activities, including a luncheon with the Arts Club, attending the Opera, a ball at the Ritz-Carlton and a Shakespeare party. On April 20, 1918, she writes onboard the S. S. Korea Maru about people onboard and the activities, including shuffleboard, bridge, and checkers. A May 26, 1918 letter describes travel in Korea, relating that they left Tokyo, Japan on an express train to Shimonoseki, Japan and viewed the countryside of Japan, passing Fuji, inlets of the sea, and cultivated lands. While traveling through Korea, they went through mountainous country, cultivated lands and wild countryside. On May 30, 1918, from Peking, China, Nancy discusses the breakdown of their train engine and the resultant delay at the station, after having crossed Manchuria. She mentions the station being full of Chinese soldiers walking up and down and a couple returning from Petrograd, where they had been through the Revolution. She also describes a tour of Peking, including Rickshaw, the Legation Quarter, and the Gate of the Tartar. In a letter of June 13, 1918, from Kyoto, Japan, she describes a trip from Seoul, Korea to Pusan, Korea, across the Sea of Japan, to Shimonoseki, Japan, and across the lake. She mentions the people on the train, including Bishop [Beverley Dandridge] Tucker (1846-1930), and notes the different expressions on the faces of the Christian Japanese. On June 20, 1918, from Tokyo, Japan, she discusses the visit of Prince Arthur to the Emperor. On August 18, 1918, Nancy is returning to the United States on the S. S. Kamo Maru with other members of her mission; she describes the ship and discusses people onboard. She also relates the tale of the Furgusons, missionaries from the west of China who were attacked by Chinese pirates. In a letter dated May 6, 1922, Norfolk, Virginia, she mentions the import of servants. There are two letters, February 12 and March 8, 1923, from Chicago, Illinois, discussing Bible School and various activities and people. Nancy writes a letter from Boston, Massachusetts, on the day of the death of Woodrow Wilson, February 3, 1924, expressing "It is sad to feel that the great leader-- at last is gaining his peace." On February 7, 1924, from Cambridge, Massachusetts, she mentions the funeral of Woodrow Wilson.

Letters, 1908, to Charles Phillips Janney from Lilias Janney and Nannie Lee (Pollock) Janney, are chiefly from Pasadena, California where Nannie Lee Janney is convalescing. Letters of February 6 & 8, 1908 give a description of the neighborhoods and the city of Pasadena and mentions activities such as seeing a Minstrel show, going to Redondo Beach, and driving to "Oak Knoll" and "Venice." Letters from Lilias during late February through late March discuss the failing health of her mother, Nannie Lee (Pollock) Janney. On April 19, 1916, Lilias writes from Tokyo, Japan, mentioning visits to the Tokyo Electric Car Station, Imperial University, cottage of Armistead and Margaret [at the University ?], the T. K. K. ships, the Embassy, Imperial Theatre, and "Cherry Blossom" Sunday at the park, as well as other activities and people.

Correspondence, 1896-1899, of John Janney, Jr. cover a variety of subjects. A letter of February 29, 1896, from his mother, Nannie Lee (Pollock) Janney, to Janney at Virginia Military Institute, give encouragement to keep up his studies, news of the health of Marshall and Harry [Henry B.] Rust, and news of family and friends. On April 7, 1896, his sister Lilias mentions going to the Yale concert and ball. On February 19, 1897, his aunt, Lily [Pollock], "Leeton Forest" supplies remedies for indigestion and sore throat. A letter of March 3, 1897 from his brother, Thomas Gordon Janney, suggests gargling with witch hazel for his sore throat and mentions a fifty per cent salary increase at the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company. Letters from his father, Charles Phillips Janney, enclose a pass, duly extended (January 1, 1897); discuss available teaching positions at the College of South Carolina, the Fishburn School, in Clarksville, Tennessee, and at Gambier (March 9, 1897); and, give news that Colonel Isaac Saunders, principal of the Danville Military Institute, always secures a West Point Army graduate (March 27, 1897). There are two letters, September 17 & 18, 1898, from John Janney, Jr. at the University of Virginia, to his mother, Nannie Lee (Pollock) Janney, mentioning a lecture on International Law by [Raleigh Colston] Minor (1869-1923), his matriculation for courses in Philosophy and Law, hearing Bishop [Alfred Magill] Randolph (1836- 1918) at the University Chapel, and attending the Y.M.C.A. reception.

Political papers, 1932 and 1959-1960, of John Janney, Jr. include a government document, Payment of Adjusted-Compensation Certificates , 1932; a Pioche Record editorial concerning Virginia and Massive Resistance (February 5, 1959); Janney's comments on Virginia and Massive Resistance (February 18, 1959); a Congressional Record re the question of forced racial integration (September 5, 1959); and, newspaper clipping re "Declaration of Principles of Virginia Voters" with a photograph of Janney (January 25, 1960).

Letters, 1834-1848, from Nathaniel E. Janney in St. Louis, Missouri, to James C. Janney, discuss family and financial affairs. On February 13, 1834, Janney writes concerning the accounts of distress in the money market in the northern cities and throughout the country, the memorials signed by citizens to restore the deposits [Federal funds on deposit in the United States Bank and distributed to state banks by President Andrew Jackson], and the failure of numerous New York businesses, and gives advice on holding onto flour as prices are minimal and offers financial support. A letter of January 8, 1837, discusses their brother, Aquila Janney, and gives the opinion that he is best suited for farming and mentions opportunities for work. A letter of May 17, 1837, discusses Elisha [Janney] and his improvement in health after using the Manchester Mineral Springs, inquires about the building of the mill and mentions financial gains. On June 22, 1842, Janney discusses the city's money affairs being in the worst possible condition and merchants scarcely being able to meet their liabilities. On July 17, 1847, he writes concerning "Israel" and whether or not he will return and expecting to hear from him concerning his whereabouts, the name of his master, and the price to be paid. He also mentions "Armistead" having the objective to solicit aid to purchase his own freedom offered by his master. A letter of October 9, 1848 mentions the death of Nathaniel E. Janney.

Letters, 1837-1840, from Nathaniel E. Janney to Mary Janney chiefly cover personal topics. On March 12, 1837, he expresses thoughts of ending his bachelorhood and getting married, mentions Aquila [Janney] and that Elisha [Janney] has learned his business efficiently. On July 16, 1839, he writes upon hearing of the news of the death of his brother, Charles [Phillips Janney], expressing feelings of grief and also relief for his release from suffering. He also mentions a visit from Robert [H. Miller] and gives advice to James [Janney] on the purchase of wheat. A letter of September 6, 1840 mentions Sarah [Janney] going to Manchester [Mineral Springs] for health reasons, his being confined to work as his two assistants are absent, alternate rains and sunshine yielding the farmers a large return, and business affairs. Janney also writes that he trusts that they shall see elected "the old farmer of North Bend to the Presidency" [William Henry Harrison] (1773-1841).

Letters, 1886-1920, to Thomas Gordon Janney, are chiefly from family members. On October 28, 1886, Charles Phillips Janney writes to his son, inquiring of his studies and mentioning the Circuit Court case Hixson vs. Nixon. Letters, April - May 1918, from Nancy Lee (Janney) Gilmour, discuss her trip to Japan and China. On April 22nd she mentions a visit to the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, California, onboard activities, and people onboard including Dutch, Russians and diplomatic servicemen. On May 1st she mentions a visit to Honolulu, Hawaii, activities onboard including deck tennis, shuffleboard, knitting and reading, celebrating her birthday, and the stunning costumes at the fancy ball from Bolivia, Spain, and Paris. On May 13th she mentions activities in Japan, meeting Japanese dignitaries and other, and being guests at the Embassy. On May 24th, on the Tokyo-Shimonoseki Special, Daily Train de Luxe, she describes scenery from the train, mentions Colonel Robertson, military attache at the British Embassy in Peking, China.

Financial and legal papers, 1695(1755-1873)1906, of the Janney family and others include indentures and other legal documents. There is a document, March 31, 1695, assigning Jacob Janney to be the lawful attorney of his father Thomas Janney. Documents of 1757 relate to bonds between Joseph Yates and Mahlon Janney. A document of July 6, 1780 relates to Fairfax titles. There is the last will and testament, December 8, 1801, of William Darke of Berkeley County. There are indentures of trust, May 2, 1817, between members of the Janney, Osburn and Pursel families concerning a debt to Valentine Pursel and his heirs. There is an indenture, April 3, 1824, between Elisha and Mary Janney and John Janney. A deed, February 10, 1873, concerns property in Loudoun County near the village of Purcellville, and is between members of the Nichols and Janney families.

Miscellaneous correspondence, 1858-1944, n.d., of the Janney and Pollock families cover several topics. There is an interesting letter, September 5, [1858], from Thomas Gordon Pollock (1838-1863) while a student at the University of Virginia. He mentions taking four classes of law and being in his old room at 21 West Lawn. He mentions [Elisha Boyd] Faulkner (1841- ) being there and relates a story about him. He discusses the changes at the University including "an elegant new Hotel built at the end of the Eastern Range with a dining hall..." and describes the new eating arrangements. He also mentions Douglas [French] Forrest (1837- ) taking junior classes of law and being pleased with [James Philemon] Holcombe's (1820-1873) lectures on mercantile law. A letter, February 12, 1908, from Lilias Janney in Pasadena, California, describes the part of town with shops, with all kinds of Indian curios, rugs, baskets, etc. and beautiful China. A letter, Thursday evening [ca. 1908], from George D. Montgomery, Los Angeles, California, to Lilias Janney, mentions a visit to Redondo Beach, Hermosa Beach, Playa del Rey, Venice and Santa Monica and discusses arrangements for Nannie Lee (Pollock) Janney to stay in Pasadena. There is another letter, April 22, 1916, from Lilias Janney in Yokohama, Japan, mentioning a visit to a mission boarding school, describing the living arrangements of the girls at the school, and describing a recital arranged for her in the chapel. A letter of January 17, 1936, from the Friends of the Library of the University of North Carolina discusses the "Southern Collection" of the library.

Other items in this collection include genealogical and historical data, photographs, travel brochures, bound volumes including a photograph album, scrapbook and travel journals. There is also a framed photograph of Robert Stevenson Janney.

Papers of the Janney and Related Gilmour and
         Pollock Families, 
         1695(1755-1944)1981 (2024)


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Article information

Author: Corie Satterfield

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Views: 5683

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (62 voted)

Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.